Govt Ministers’ pay 11 times higher than average public servant’s

vox popFirst-time parliamentarian for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP) and Attorney-at-Law Charles Ramson has joined the queue of disappointed Guyanese over the recent confirmation by the new David Granger-led A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Government of the whopping 50 per cent salary increase for Ministers, an amount that will be 11 times higher than what is being offered to the average public servant.

Government on Tuesday confirmed and defended its decision to raise the salaries of all Government Ministers, including three Vice Presidents and Junior Ministers.

In a letter to the editor, Ramson, based on his mathematical calculations, revealed that these Ministers will soar on a salary more than 11 times the average salary.

He said in an “incontrovertible period of economic slowdown in Guyana, the new Granger-led APNU/AFC Government’s decision to increase their salaries by over 50 per cent, while other public servants got less than five per cent has in one fell swoop converted itself from “the incompetent” to “the incompetent and heartless”.

According to Ramson, the question now being asked surrounds the cost of the Government to the treasury.

“With reference to the foregoing, I pose the following simple questions to President Granger and the APNU/AFC Government on behalf of ALL of the people of Guyana: Will your increase mean highest productivity? (if the answer is ‘yes’, then it means that for the last six months you have not been working as hard as you could have been and if the answer is ‘no’, then you do not deserve an increase.”

He further questioned “Are you saying that the only way a country can have Ministers who are not corrupt is by having a large salary or a salary that is MORE THAN ELEVEN TIMES the average salary? If the answer is yes, please show me where this was posted in your manifesto and contract with the electorate.

Can you account for your failure to deliver on your manifesto promise of 20 per cent increase to public servants, Police, teachers, nurses while giving yourself a 50 per cent+ increase?

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